Corona Games for Teens

Here is a great game developed by Brooke and her teenage friends who live in Portland, Oregon.

They developed this game to inspire one another to be creative in their stay at home time. It is a great way to stay connected and build resilience in the Covid-19 times.Description: The corona games is a list of over 200 things that can be done without coming within 6 feet of anyone outside of your household. The competition aspect is completely optional, but anyone is welcome to participate. If you want to join the competition, add your name to the top and use that column to check off everything you’ve done since March 18th. If you’re unable to complete a task for a legit reason (ex. If you feel something will be bad for your mental health, or you can’t spend money right now) that’s totally understandable, just fill the box with red and you can still get points for the task. Feel free to invite your friends too. - gid=1828220224